Sunday, 19 January 2014

All quiet on the hobby front

Yup bar some practice with the airbrush and a rapid fire purchase of new mad robot stuff I've actually done nothing towards my hobby the past week and a bit. In fairness I just bought my first house and was a usher at my future sister in laws wedding. And thus now my hobby plans for the year are in disarray! In all actually I'll just be slowing down the current guard project until I've moved in and setup shop, my new planned man cave will enable me to be far more productive and won't be half as a damp (my current cave is a converted garage that's got a massive damp and leak problem).

Monday, 13 January 2014

No Battle Plan Survives Contact

Well the wash was largely a bust putting me back to square one. I was relying on the wash to "tighten" the airbrushed base coats so that I can Drybrush the highlights whilst keeping the preshade green underneath. The result would be a quick, effective but simple method of painting the fatigues. All I gained was losing the built up layers and highlights. Bugger.

Instead of plodding along I turned my attention to my long neglected Flames of War. I base coated my British infantry, painted the flesh and began on the helmets before being called away. Not all bad but frustrating.

Sunday, 12 January 2014


I type this with the post Sunday dinner belly reflection, today I practiced airbrushing specifically mixing / thinning. I feel after a year of airbrushing I've made some but little progress. Today I inched ever forward. I leanrnt to control my airbrush a little better and how to properly prepare Taminya paints on the other hand I was left frustrated with the Vallejo model air not performing as intended.


This weeks goal is singular apply my new secret weapons wash (should arrive tomorrow) and apply first highlights to 20 guardsmen.

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Day 6

So my quest to paint / be productive for 7 consecutive days hit a snag, a long days at work + chores scuppered any desire to paint yesterday. Today I was going to try my new casting gear but a leaky man cave roof and cold weather dissuaded me, instead I headed inside to the warmth and painted the first stage of skin onto my guardsmen. No pics I'm afraid as the lighting was bad, all I've done is put several successive thin layers of Tallern Flesh the a couple of washes of Army Painter Mid/Sepia tone on. I suspect another wash or agrax will be needed but I'll see in the morning light! Tomorrow's goal is finish the armour base coating.


Monday, 6 January 2014

Day 5

I was only semi productive in my time before work. Narrowed down my armour colour and wash recipe, got first coat on 20 guardsmens armour but successive coats are needed plus general tidying up. So generally a postive.


Sunday, 5 January 2014

Day 7

Armour is now painted, handful of touch ups but the base layer is on. Next stage will be some basic highlighting before I move onto chipping. Basically I'll be using a sponge to chip the armour before adding some final highlights. Later I'll use weathering powders to enhance the weathering. Oh if anyone's interested I used 1:1 mix of Stormvermir fur and fortress grey.


Day 4 - Shades of Green

Productive day today! All repair work complete, a couple of chaps need some kit added but waiting on the green stuff once again, should receive some fast curing resin tomorrow to speed the process up. I then primed, zenithed before putting painting the first stage of the fatigues on. The weather turned crazy so I've had to call it a night but overall pleased with the progress. Unfortunately no pictures but then again there's not much to show just yet.

Tomorrow's goal is to paint the armour on, I'm aiming to get 10 done.

Something of note is I wasn't happy with the airbrushing tonight, I'm putting this down not thinning my paint right as not enough of the preshade came through, ah we'll a lesson learned.

Saturday, 4 January 2014

Day 3 - Like glue

Today I finished off building the first 20 guardsmen, there's some minior repair needed on the neck/head and some additional kit on a few models. (waiting for greenstuff to cure) I'll probably need to revisit with superglue as all I had to hand was humbrol poly cement which isn't as strong (and gave me a wicked bad headache)

I also picked up a workstation from eBay and I'll post it up later. Anyways the fruits of my labour!



Friday, 3 January 2014

Day Two

Yesterday I completed my paint chart (compliments to Admiral Drax for providing that) Armed with my chart I put together the first 20 basic guardsmen. Tomorrow I hope to complete construction and repair work. A good start.


Thursday, 2 January 2014

Day One - So it begins

Many moons ago Admiral Drax kindly provided a paint spreadsheet to keep track of progress. Today I completed my own chart and immediately set about trying to fill in some the blanks! I've gathered together the parts for 20 basic guardsmen and any model that's to defamed to be stripped. These first 20 will be the "back line", the models that are a bit rubbish and are often the first to be removed.

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

In the beginning....

Introducing the 95th Emperors Own, yeah an unoriginal name but my brother is a huuuge Sharpe fan and this army is predominately for him. The 95th or as I call them Cadians 2.0 is my first project of 2014. In a nutshell it's making something of the piles of guardsmen I first bought when getting into the hobby. And by piles I mean Apoc sized piles. The regiment is inspired by numerous sources but the general inspiration is paratroopers / Vietnam aircav, this means lots of personality and lots of gear to represent there light/modern infantry elements.

The general layout (and I guess the fluff) is the 95th are a newly created regiment from a rich trade world to fight against the newly rising Helghan threat and against marauding Xenos. They are attached to the 401st Armoured who will sport a decent amount tanks, there is also a small Naval detachment which will feature a couple of flyers and Valkyries. In real terms this means lots of infantry, a couple chimeras and half a dozen tanks. Being newly raised I can create the 95ths fluff through there battlefield deeds.

The plan for Janaury is cleaning and building two troop choices or 4 squads plus there command elements, additionally I'll build 3x missile heavy weapons teams to act as the HW selection should I need it. I'll be setting a goal of at least painting a squad fully and prime/pre-shade and base coating the rest.